Transform Your Life in Just 90 Days...

Discover a Custom Path to Unleash Your Full Potential with Seek To Do More

Dive into this short video that reveals how you can break free from monotony and step into a life of purpose, energy, and fulfillment.

Next Step: Complete our application now to start your journey toward becoming unstoppable.

  • Step 1: Embrace a Life of Purpose

  • Step 2: Kickstart Your Transformation

  • Step 3: Cultivate Consistency and Action

  • Step 4: Achieve Unstoppable Momentum

Here's What You Can Expect:

  • You Will Be Assigned A Personal Coach who will build you a 100% custom tailored training program designed to accommodate your goals, lifestyle, limitations, equipment, and schedule.

  • You Will Be Armed With A 100% Done For You Nutrition Blueprint built around your food preferences, schedule, time constraints, and lifestyle.

  • Your Program Will Be Accessible & Meticulously Tracked inside of my JH Fit Training custom mobile app which allows your coach to track, observe, and optimize your training regimen.

  • Every Week, You & Your Coach Will Conduct A One On One Check in to adjust your program based on the data from your programming, how you feel, and the results you see.

  • You Will Have Daily Access To Your Coach for accountability, questions, and feedback on anything pertaining to the mindset, nutrition, and training program created for you.

  • Access to a private community of over 500 men who use this coaching to elevate their mindset, physique, and stay accountable.

  • BONUS #1: All coaching clients attain lifetime membership to The Iron Forge - a unique group coaching platform that includes weekly group calls will me, thousands of hours of training content, and a private website where you can access everything.

  • BONUS #2: Receive a 20% off lifetime discount for all JH Brand merchandise, apparel, and supplements.

Transform Your Life And Go From Routine to Remarkable

Tired of feeling stuck in an endless cycle of monotony, where every day feels just like the last?

You're not alone. Many struggle with finding purpose, maintaining motivation, or achieving personal and professional goals, leaving them feeling unfulfilled and directionless.

Do you ever wonder if there's more to life than this? Are you longing for a change but unsure where to start, or afraid of taking the wrong step?

Introducing a groundbreaking approach that goes beyond traditional coaching methods.

Our coaching offers a personalized, immersive experience designed to unlock your true potential.

Through the 90-day program, we challenge the status quo, empowering you to build sustainable habits, achieve your goals, and embrace a life filled with passion and purpose.

"What's the cost of staying where you are?

Consider the impact on your health, happiness, and overall well-being if you continue to let fear or uncertainty dictate your life.

The risk of inaction is far greater than the challenge of change.

Missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, and the persistent feeling of 'what if?' can weigh heavily on your mind and spirit.

Unleash Your Unstoppable Self

Discover Our Unique Approach for Personal Mastery and Unmatched Growth

This isn't about short-term gains; it's about revolutionizing your entire approach to life, work, and personal growth.

Tailored specifically to your unique situation, this program offers you the tools, strategies, and support needed to unlock your full potential and achieve a level of success you've only dreamed of.

  • Personalized Roadmap to Mastery: Experience a transformation that's as unique as you are. From custom nutrition plans to daily habit formation, every aspect of Seek To Do More Coaching is crafted to align with your personal goals, ensuring a path to success that feels natural and achievable.

  • 24/7 Support and Accountability: Never journey alone. With round-the-clock support, daily check-ins, and weekly strategy calls, you're constantly empowered to stay on track. This level of accountability turns your aspirations into tangible outcomes, making every goal within reach.

  • Sustainable Change Through Proven Tactics: Implement life-changing strategies that stick. Beyond mere advice, you'll integrate practical, proven tactics into your daily life, ensuring that your transformation is not just remarkable but also sustainable.

  • Beyond 90 Days: A Lifetime of Empowerment: Graduate from the program with more than just results—gain lifetime access to a wealth of resources and ongoing support. Your transformation is just the beginning of a lifelong journey of excellence.

Picture yourself a few months from now, not just reaching but surpassing your goals with confidence and clarity.

With Seek To Do More Coaching, that vision is not just possible—it's within your grasp.

Ready to live your life beyond limits?

The world is full of people who settle for less.

Struggling with a lack of confidence, energy, or commitment to your health and life goals?

Seek To Do More is here to change that. Our simple, yet powerful four-step process is designed to help you take back control of your life and become the best version of yourself.

Step 1: Embrace a Life of Purpose

Choose to Live with Intention: Embrace a life where every action is purposeful. This crucial first step is about moving from passive dreaming to active doing. Transform your mindset to pave the way for a journey that's not just about achieving goals, but about living a life filled with meaning and direction.

Step 2: Kickstart Your Transformation

Embark on the 30-Day Recalibration Challenge: This is more than just a program; it's a catalyst for profound change. Each day of the challenge is a stride towards cultivating resilience, dedication, and a habit of success. Start strong and set a relentless pace for your transformative journey.

Step 3: Cultivate Consistency and Action

Commit to Daily Progress: Transformation is not an event, but a process. In this phase, immerse yourself in the Seek To Do More system, embracing daily challenges that foster holistic growth. Utilize your strengths and turn weaknesses into opportunities. Consistent action is the key to unlocking your full potential.

Step 4: Achieve Unstoppable Momentum

Realize Your True Potential: This is where your transformation becomes evident. Through unwavering commitment and no-excuse action, you forge an unstoppable version of yourself. Discover the power of self-reliance and the thrill of achieving what once seemed unreachable. Welcome to a life where you're in full control of your destiny.

Do Any Of These Stories Sound Like You?

Shaine Reclaimed Her Confidence, Self-Belief, and Fitness

Shaine's story began in a period of personal rebuilding, struggling with weight gain and a loss of self after the end of a significant relationship.

Her turning point came with Seek To Do More, where she found a program that reignited her love for the outdoors, hiking, and rediscovered her self-reliance and adventure spirit.

Through consistent engagement with the program, she developed not only physical strength but also a profound sense of confidence and empowerment, culminating in her solo completion of the challenging Northville-Placid Trail.

Shaine's journey is a testament to the transformative power of dedication and the right supportive community.

Justin Became A Stronger Version Of Himself

Justin's journey with Seek To Do More started from a place of routine and unfulfilled potential, despite his discipline in fitness challenges like 75 Hard.

The turning point was his engagement with the program, which expanded his approach to personal growth beyond physical fitness, incorporating mental and emotional development.

Through the supportive community and structured guidance of Seek To Do More, Justin rediscovered his passion, pushed his boundaries, and found a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

His story exemplifies the profound impact of holistic self-improvement and the power of community support in achieving lasting change.

Dan Dropped 15 lbs in 30 Days and Awakened His Strongest Self

Dan's fitness journey was marred by inconsistency and fleeting successes in weight loss, struggling to maintain a routine without accountability.

Discovering Seek To Do More marked a pivotal moment, providing him with a structured plan and the crucial accountability he lacked.

Through the program, Dan not only lost 15 lbs in 30 days but also underwent a significant mental transformation, embracing a sustainable lifestyle of health and fitness.

His story highlights the power of accountability and personalized planning in overcoming obstacles to achieve lasting success.

Real Transformations, Real Stories: Watch How Seek To Do More Changed Lives

Meet The Creator Of Seek To Do More:

James Appleton: A Journey from Ordinary to Extraordinary

Once trapped in the grasp of mediocrity, James's life was a mirror of underachievement and complacency. The birth of his first child sparked a profound awakening. Fueled by a newfound purpose, he embarked on a transformative journey. This wasn't just a physical metamorphosis but a complete redefinition of his identity. James's path involved shedding more than just weight; it was about discarding doubts and shattering self-imposed limits.

James's transformation became a mission to empower others. His experiences, forged in the fires of self-discipline and resilience, shaped the Seek To Do More program. His philosophy?

Transformation is a harmonious blend of physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

James brings more than just expertise; he brings a story that resonates with authenticity. He's walked the path and faced the battles, emerging with a system that awakens the latent power within each individual. As your guide, James combines authoritative insight with an empathetic understanding of the challenges of change.

Seek To Do More is more than a program – it's James's vision of a world where limits are mere starting points, and true potential is an endless journey.

Join him and step into a life where 'unstoppable' is not just a state of being, but a way of living.

Shaine K,
New York

"The Seek To Do More community has been such an inspiration and great support. I love a community that's always clapping for each other and allowing each other to win and succeed without bringing them down."

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life with the Seek To Do More Coaching Program?

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to feel lost, overwhelmed, and disconnected from your true potential. Many struggle to find a sense of purpose, to stay consistent with their goals, or to simply find the energy to push through life's challenges.

The universal challenge many of us face is the cycle of starting strong but quickly losing momentum. We set ambitious goals for ourselves, whether in health, personal growth, or productivity, only to find our motivation fizzling out, leaving us feeling stuck and unfulfilled.

Seek To Do More Coaching offers a personalized, guided journey through the 30 Day Recalibration program, extending support for an additional 60 days to ensure habits stick. This unique coaching experience is tailored to your specific needs, providing the tools, accountability, and support required to unlock your true potential and achieve lasting change.

Our approach breaks down into manageable, clear steps designed to build a strong foundation, ignite transformation, and sustain progress.

This is your moment to break free from the cycle of monotony and step into a life of purpose, energy, and fulfillment. Embrace the opportunity to become the best version of yourself with Seek To Do More Coaching.

Upon taking the first step, you'll be contacted for a personal assessment call. This initial conversation sets the stage for your transformation, allowing us to tailor the coaching program to your specific needs and aspirations.

With dedicated support, a proven system for building and sustaining habits, and a commitment to your success, there's never been a better time to take control of your life. Don't let another day pass wishing for change. Apply now and take the first step towards becoming unstoppable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse through our frequently asked questions to learn more about what to expect, requirements, and how we can assist you in achieving your goals.

What is the Seek To Do More 30 Day Recalibration Program?

The 30 Day Recalibration Program is a comprehensive system designed to unlock your true potential by making purposeful daily commitments. It focuses on building a stronger body, a resilient mindset, and an awakened spirit to help you become the strongest version of yourself.

Who is this program for?

This program is for anyone feeling stuck in a routine, lacking direction, or struggling to maintain consistency in their personal and professional lives. Whether you're looking to improve your physical fitness, mental clarity, or overall sense of purpose, this program is tailored to help you achieve these goals.

How does the program work?

The program is structured around seven daily commitments that cover physical activity, nutrition, personal growth, and more. Each day, you'll receive guidance and tasks designed to push you towards your personal best. You'll also have access to resources and a community of like-minded individuals for support.

Do I need any special equipment or prerequisites to start?

No special equipment is required to begin. All you need is the commitment to follow through with the daily tasks and an openness to embrace change. The program is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of your current lifestyle or fitness level.

How much time do I need to dedicate daily?

While the time can vary depending on the day's specific commitments, you should expect to dedicate approximately 60 to 90 minutes daily to the program. This time is an investment in yourself and your future.

Can I continue my current fitness or diet regimen while participating?

Absolutely! The program is designed to complement and enhance your existing routines, not replace them. We encourage you to integrate the daily commitments with your current practices for a holistic approach to improvement.

What results can I expect from the program?

Participants can expect to see significant improvements in their physical fitness, mental clarity, and overall sense of well-being. By the end of the 30 days, you'll have established a solid foundation of habits that promote a more intentional, fulfilling life.

Is there support available if I have questions or need guidance?

Yes, we offer continuous support throughout the program. You'll have access to our community forum where you can connect with other participants, share experiences, and seek advice. Our team is also available for any specific queries or additional support you may need.

What happens after the 30 days?

After completing the 30-day program, you'll have the tools and habits needed to continue on your path to becoming an unstoppable version of yourself. We also offer additional resources and follow-up programs to help maintain and build upon your progress.

How do I sign up?

Signing up is easy! Just click the "Start My 30-Day Transformation" button on our website, fill out the registration form, and you're all set to begin your journey with Seek To Do More.

Copyright: Seek To Do More 2024 - All Rights Reserved

Tyler Morgan,
Type II Diabetic

"There are a lot of gimmicks out there. This is not one of them. This is raw, this is real, these are passionate people who say what they mean and mean what they say. There is no doubt about that. So give it a go. It will be worth every second, every dime, every penny, every rep. It will be worth your go."

This Isn't Just A Workout Program. This Will Transform Your Entire LIfe.

What Makes This Coaching Different?

Where most people go wrong, is they fail to understand the degree of time, effort, and energy that's necessary in preparing for and implementing a new habit in their life. 

They try to 'wing it' or if they pay for help online or with a personal trainer, they aren't getting the tools that they need to apply these habits to their unique lifestyle. 

With this coaching experience, no program or nutrition plan is alike, because no client is alike. 

Me and my team take the guesswork out of getting you the transformation in your body, mind, and lifestyle that you want in the shortest amount of time possible. 

Without the shortcuts, gimmicks. or bullshit.

Meet Your Head Coach

Josh Holyfield is an Army Veteran with over 15 years experience deploying and supporting the US Army and Special Operations.

He started weightlifting in 2005 and has been studying exercise science and nutrition as a hobby since. 

Josh used fitness as a way to help him overcome the mental and emotional challenges of serving in the military during combat deployments then transitioning from that career to become a civilian in the workforce. 

After his military service, he pursued a degree in Exercise Science and worked as a federal contractor, federal employee, e-commerce entrepreneur, and runs an organization that focuses on assisting veterans with their transition from the military and achieving their goals while using health and fitness as a staple for his teaching.

After starting Josh Holyfield Personal Development in 2019, he transitioned from his career in federal service to coach and train men full time. 

"Joining The Brotherhood is about more than just starting a workout program, you're joining a community of like-minded men and women who have one thing in common.

A relentless focus and drive to achieve nothing less than greatness."

"Joining The Brotherhood is about more than just starting a workout program, you're joining a community of like-minded men and women who have one thing in common.

A relentless focus and drive to achieve nothing less than greatness."

This Program Revolves Around Three Main Pillars


More times than not, your mindset is the number one thing holding you back. Focus on aligning your mindset and mentality with your goals. Removing any sense of doubt or uncertainty, ensuring that you're starting each day with a concise plan for achieving success in your career, relationships, and fitness. 


 Learn how to use food as a fuel to increase your performance in every aspect of your life. You will learn how to use food as a tool to help you sustain your energy levels throughout the day, feeling full and satisfied while burning body fat around the clock. Nutrition is about finding the foods that work best for your body to maximize your mental and physical performance.


No more going into the gym without a plan or idea of what you should be doing. You will be armed with a daily blueprint that is structured to ensure you're working to look the way you want without having to sacrifice the time you look forward to most with your family and loved ones while having the energy to be the best version of yourself during the times it matters most. 

- Evan Hunt

The Failure Forward Growth Program

After applying over 50 years worth of coaching, training, martial arts, military, police, special operations, and nutritional experience across his staff, you will be working with a team of coaches that have collectively transformed the bodies over thousands of men. 

Using a proven method designed to not only help you to get the most efficient results possible, but help you to do it in a sustainable way that you can repeat over and over. 

For life. 

Most fitness programs or diets work until they don't. When you plateau or stop seeing results, you aren't left with the skills you need to scale your progress over the long term. 

With this coaching experience, you'll be learning the skills that you need to continue seeing results month after month and year after year. 

Without needing to count on a trainer or another coach to help you continue on your journey.

That's RIGHT. We Don't Create Customers, We Teach Skills. Our Goal Is To Work Ourselves Out Of A Job.

  • ​Create Credibility With Yourself use my methods for creating small adjustments to your lifestyle and habits and reinforce those changes with massive return on the results you see.

  • ​Stop Living In A Place Of Restriction to see results. This program teaches you how to create habits and routines that fit your busy lifestyle. 

  • Reclaim Your Confidence by showing up as a role model for your children and finding the intimacy with your spouse.

Featured Meals

Nothing is worse than going on a diet and being stuck eating the same bland foods day in and day out. Our goal is to give you the tools you need to eat foods you enjoy while feeling full and satisfied - still seeing the results you want. 

Each client is given a custom crafted meal plan with daily intake calculated for them. Each meal plan comes with a schedule, shopping list, and recipes so you can see what right looks and feels like. 

By the end of your coaching experience you'll have learned the skills needed to craft your own nutritional protocol based on changes in your goals, lifestyle, or preference.

Don has been part of this Brotherhood since Day 1 and he's seen a phenomenal transformation...

Don works as a high school football and wrestling coach and is a dedicated father and husband. 

After spending years compromising his health in service of others, he began to struggle with bouts of extreme depression and sense of self worth. 

Don continues to work with the JH team to help inspire and motivate other men within the community while working hard to be the best version of himself every day. 

"I found this program when I was in a dark place, full of rage. Hate for myself, hated the way I looked, hated the way I felt; and it's saved my life. 

It's saved every aspect of my life. Mentally, Physically, and Emotionally."

Here's What He Has To Say...

 Watch This Video To Learn How My Coaching Can Change Your Life.