Seek To Do More Case Study:

How Shaine Reclaimed Her Confidence, Self-Belief, and Fitness with Seek To Do More


Shaine's journey began at a pivotal moment in her life, following the end of a decade-long relationship. This period marked a low point for her, characterized by significant weight gain, a withdrawal from activities she once loved, and a diminishing social life. Lost in the maze of her new reality, Shaine sought a beacon to guide her back to herself.

The Challenge:

Shaine was encumbered by self-doubt and embarrassment, leading her to embark on the Seek To Do More program incognito, hoping to rediscover the joy in activities she had abandoned. Her biggest hurdles were finding consistency in her routines and overcoming the inertia of sedentary habits that had taken root over time.

The Transformation:

With Seek To Do More, Shaine initiated a profound self-reinvention. Within the first 30 days, she was already charting a course through her recovery—hiking, running, and reigniting her passion for projects. The program rekindled her adventurous spirit, culminating in a solo hike up Giant Mountain as a testament to her progress. Shaine's journey was not just about physical fitness but about mastering survival skills, enhancing her self-sufficiency, and navigating life with renewed confidence.

The Results:

Shaine’s transformation was marked by a dramatic shift in lifestyle. She transitioned from binge-watching TV to being actively engaged in her personal well-being—cooking healthier meals, dedicating time to exercise, and reconnecting with nature. Her newfound discipline extended beyond physical activities, influencing her dietary habits and daily routines, ultimately fostering a lifestyle where productivity and health took precedence.


Shaine's story with Seek To Do More is a testament to the power of self-discovery and resilience. She not only rediscovered her confidence and self-belief but also constructed a new way of living that celebrates her strengths and passions. Through the program, she achieved significant milestones, including completing the Northville-Placid Trail solo, a feat symbolizing her transformation into a more confident, capable, and fulfilled individual. Shaine’s journey underscores the transformative potential of the Seek To Do More program—not just as a means to physical fitness but as a catalyst for comprehensive personal growth and empowerment.

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